General Medieval Information
‘Gestures and Looks in Medieval Narrative’ J. A. Burrow, Cambridge University Press.
‘Life in a Medieval Castle’ Joseph and Frances Gies, Perennial.
‘Mistress, Maids and Men: Baronial Life in the Thirteenth Century’ Margaret Wade Labarge, Phoenix
Modern History TV, online
Rosalie’s Medieval Woman, online
‘Sexuality in Medieval Europe: Doing Unto Others,’ Ruth Mazo Karras, Routledge.
‘The Good Wife’s Guide (Le Menegier de Paris)’ Translated by Gina L. Greco and Christine M. Rose, Cornell University Press.
‘The Very Secret Sex Lives of Medieval Women’ Rosalie Gilbert, Mango.
Scottish General History
‘ A History of Everyday Life in Medieval Scotland, 1000 to 1600’ Editors: Christopher A Whatley and Elizabeth Foyster, Edinburgh University Press.
Dictionaries of the Scots Language, online
‘Scotland: A History from Earliest Times’ Alistair Moffat, Birlinn.
Scottish Political History
‘Bannockburn: The Scottish War and the British Isles, 1307 - 1323’ Michael Brown, Edinburgh University Press.
‘Freedom’s Sword: Scotland’s Wars of Independence’ Peter Traquair, HarperColins
‘Power and Propaganda: Scotland 1306 - 1488’ Katie Stevenson, Edinburgh University Press
‘The Scottish Civil War: The Bruces and the Balliols and the War for Control of Scotland’ Michael Penman, Tempus.
Clan History
Clan Matheson Society, online
‘Collins Scottish Clan and Family Encyclopedia’ George Way of Plean and Romilly Squire, HarperCollins
‘History of the Mathesons, with Genealogies of the Various Branches’ Alexander Mackenzie, Public Domain.
‘The Clans Septs and Regiments of the Scottish Highlands’ Frank Adam, revised by Sir Thomas Innes of Learney, 4th Edition.